Tom has mentored thousands of entrepreneurs over his 34 years in the financial industry. A selfless leader, Tom has made it his goal to help others achieve the success they've always dreamed of. Through inspiring others to take action and mentoring them along the way, Tom has put thousands of men and women on the right track to financial independence and a better life for them and their families. Tom truly invests in the people around him and takes pride in the strong relationships he has built with so many.

Tom explains that leadership is not about motivation or inspiration. Leadership is about capturing people’s hearts. Too many business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, generals, and fathers and mothers fail to achieve great success through leadership because they are focused on how to motivate and inspire their teams and subordinates to follow their vision. True leaders, however, don’t focus on how to get people to follow their vision. Instead, they take the time to learn about the people they are leading — their hopes, their dreams, and their visions — and then show them how to achieve their dreams by following the greater vision.

People follow great leaders, not because they are so hyped up on motivation and inspiration to achieve the leader’s dream. They follow when they see (that they have) the ability to achieve their personal hopes and dreams ... by achieving the greater vision the leader has laid forth. “You must aim for the heart in order to inspire the mind,” Tom explains. “As soon as people see in your vision the ability to reach a future they can only dream of, they will follow you to the ends of the earth.”